
What is going to happen between 4 to 4.10 in HK stock market

HIghly likely we will not see much changes. The market is going to behave normally.
As there are so many eyes that are now ready to spot on any single movement of the trading, the crocodiles are going to take their naps.

What on earth the citizens have to pay for something uncertain

This is my first time to write on blog, hope I can bring something interesting and new to the readers in the future. At least for the first day, it is just a test of water.

I am quite of an upset to the Tsang's Government and their latest moves of appointing the newly officials.

The faces on the TV can tell how happy are the newly appointed Bureau undersecretaries and political assistants outside the chief secretary's residence in Mid-Levels after a gathering with journalists. It is far from expected of the officials who hired them initially think these new appointees could help them to relieve part of the tough challenges of facing the public have to face the music first and have to take up the early fights for their babies in the cradles.

Worse enough, not to mentioning of double allegiances on the passport issues, according to the latest public opinion, without any yet to be proved performance, the pay is far too high than most expected. When to compare with the Legco members who are almost burnt out from their looks, are big contrasts in terms of pays and experiences, stand alone of their long contributions to the society. After all, the recruitment and the pay to each appointee are far too opaque for the public to scrutinize. Personally, I do not think money is the big attractions to these new comers. What they can get in the social status and future prospects are outweighing the money return on the equation of the formula. It is true that Mr. Chan Tak Lam said that a political appointment cannot be easily quantified, but why there is such a big pay gap between the Legco members and these new born appointees.

I have long been a loyal follower of the pro-government camp political parties but I think I will change my mind after this incident in the next legco election. We should need someone in the Legco who can really help us to monitor and provide a stronger balance and check to the Executive Council and the Government. At least not to lavishly spend the hard earn money of the average citizen which can be of better use for other purposes. I hope others can follow my same thought too.